Machines for soles and heels
Machines pour semelles et talons
Máquinas para suelas y tacones 


This photo gallery is only a demonstration of our services

Heels and Soles

We assist our customers in the research, prototyping and development of any sole or heel for footwear.


If you are looking for used machinery for the production of soles or heels, you are in the right place.
Thanks to a global branching of the company we can find what you are looking for

Available on

From Monday to Sunday 24/24




Experience is important


More than 30 years of experience in the sole and heel business all around the world.

Certified Consulting

Full reliability thanks to the long and valuable experience of the technicians we work with

Contact us:

Phone: +39 346 0040691 ( Whatsapp - Telegram  )

Skype: andreatas1


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